White Stone Christian Ministries - The Prophetic Word White Stone Prophetic Word
James Trivette 9.20.2012



The Challenge


Are you up for the challenge?  Are you ready to go all in?  For today is not just another day.  These days have power and meaning.  These are the days of awe and wonder and will amaze even the elect.  For now time moves on. It does not stand still.  Now the voice of the Lord is speaking and who can but listen.  But if I speak across the earth, then great things must happen, for My voice commands the destiny of all who are spoken about.  Today I speak over My church, My beloved who is now awakening.  Today, I speak over this world that has chosen rebellion and selfishness.  For the sword of truth is coming and as I speak all will be uncovered.  Many lives will be lost, but many will be gained.  For the harvest of the righteous is at hand, and the wheat is being winnowed.  The dry ground  of the unbelieving world is being plowed under so that it can receive the latter rain that will bring forth new growth.  Many angels eagerly await My commands to execute My words.  Will you run with them?  Are you ready to run with the words that I give you?  Are you up for the challenge?


Isaiah 55:9-11

"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.  As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.


Revelation 1:15-16

His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.  In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.




This prophetic word is a challenge to the believer to join the Lord’s end time army.  This word says that God is adding power and meaning to these days and to all who will follow Him at this time.  


The words that “now time moves on” seem to show that time is not just about the clock or the calendar, time is when things take place.  So if it seems that time is standing still, it means that nothing is changing and nothing new is happening.  But if He says that time is moving on and not standing still, He is saying that prophetic events are happening.  Even our calendar is measured before and after the event of the birth of Christ.  Therefore, we can take from this that God is moving forward to accomplish the prophesied events of these last days.


It also says the voice of the Lord is speaking, which would explain that time is moving.  For when HE speaks, things cannot stand still, unless of course He tells tell to stand still.  But I believe He is saying that we are going to hear His voice and see things happening at a quicker pace.  The passage of Isaiah 55:9-11 shown above says that His word does not return to Him without things happening as He has spoken. 


Next the word speaks of two different groups, the church and the world.  The church is awakening and the world is in rebellion and selfishness.  Yet God is about the speak truth to both groups as a sword to separate the truth from the lies.  This will awaken the church and uncover the motives of the heart.  The true church will repent but the world will be selfish and rebellious. This truth is God’s judgment, not to be confused with His wrath.  This will be the truth that separates what is truth and what is deception.  The fact that Jesus is Lord is not a belief, it is a fact.  It is truth, whether we, or the world, believes it or not.  The passage from the Revelation 1:15-16 is a picture of Jesus when it is time for His return.  The feet of bronze shows judgment since bronze represents judgment in the bible.  Possibly this refers to the trampling of the grapes in the winepress.  The sword in His mouth is obviously His word of truth to cut through the lies. 


The harvest of the righteous is for the current church and is shown as the wheat harvest.  That is the second harvest, represented by Pentecost, which occurs after Jesus the first fruits harvest.  This is the laborers for the fall harvest which is the wine harvest.   He wheat harvest is winnowed to separate the wheat from the chaff.   Winnowing is when the wheat is tossed up into the wind (the Spirit) and the chaff is blown away while the wheat comes back into its place.  This is done after the threshing which help separate the grain from the husks on the threshing floor.  That means that if you felt you have been through some threshing lately, hang on because the winnowing is starting. 


The unbelieving word is spoken of as dry ground which will be plowed as you would plow ground for planting.  Plowed ground is needed to support the seeds and hold the water.  Though plowing is a violent experience for the ground, it is necessary for the ground to produce growth from the seeds.


Finally, this prophetic word talks of the words coming from God an being given to His angels to be executed.   But it also says that we can receive His words to be executed also if we are up for the challenge.


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